Boost WordPress Speed 5x Using These Free Plugins

If you are just starting your journey with WordPress and you want to boost Wordpress site without giving much effort into this, then this article will help you speed up your WordPress just by installing free plugins.
1. Caching Plugin
Caching plugins Helps your site speed up by creating cached copies of pages and reduce the access on My SQL and Reduce HTTP requests which result in faster loading speed for the webpage. The best free caching plugin to me is Wp-Fastest Cache. If you install it you will notice the added speed on your website.
2. Minification Plugin
Minification is the process of taking a piece of code and removing all unnecessary characters from it. Minified files perform exactly the same as the original code, they just take up a little less space because they cut out extraneous information. You can easily Minify your Wordpress using Autoptimize. It is the Best plugin for Minification.
3. Image Optimization Plugin
to reduce the image file size its necessary to use image optimization plugin. you might have so many images you already uploaded to the site and you are adding new every day, doesn’t matter if it’s already in the website or you are adding new, optimization plugin will reduce the sizes of the image without losing quality, it will save you a lot of times and because the size getting reduced thus resulting in the website loading faster. If you have a small number of images in your website ShortPixel Adaptive Image would be your best choice and if your site contains a lot of images then go with Optimole.
4. Database Optimization Plugin
Optimizing your database cleans up unwanted data which reduces database size and improves performance. Since you will be working on your WordPress database, you need to make sure that you create a complete WordPress backup before moving forward. Next, you need to install and activate the WP-Optimize plugin & Run Optimization it will take several minutes to complete.
If you got a little more time and want to boost WordPress site a bit more you can try out Htaccess Optimization. It will increase the site loading speed. Check it out here Increase WordPress Page Speed 5x Using Htaccess Optimization